Pretty Simple Popup plugin makes it easy to create great looking marketing messages on WordPress.
A new version of Pretty Simple Popup is now available to free and Premium users. Here’s what’s new.
Automatic external links fix [Free & Premium]
Fix to SMARTlinks – detects and automatically opens external URLs in a new window or tab.
Improved centered formatting [Free & Premium]
Code added to prevent some websites from overriding plugin center justification on popup images.
Minor formatting improvement [Premium]
Increased padding above text when an image is not present on the Designer Text template.
1.0.2 Changes
Fixed relative URLs so they correctly set the frequency cookie cookie.
Get This Update
If your website is set to automatic plugin updates, it’s probably already done. If you update manually simply login to your website to visit “Plugins – Installed Plugins” and search for our plugin or click “Update Available” from the top menu. Visit the support center for step-by-step instructions on how to update a WordPress plugin.
To ensure all updates take effect clear any cache the website might be using after updating the plugin. Caching procedures with this plugin.
Are you using Premium yet? Here’s what you get when you upgrade.